This Christmas,
please sponsor a seat
at our Christmas table

  • Dina just donated $216
  • Geoff just donated $105.50
  • Jo-Anne just donated $83.34
  • Alison just donated $135.04
  • Peter just donated $203.62
  • Alan just donated $225
  • Pauline just donated $210
  • Keith just donated $85.32
  • Don just donated $203.62
  • Maureen just donated $83.34
  • Cheryl just donated $45.37
  • Marie just donated $3,001
  • Corrine just donated $31.65
  • Lynette just donated $135.04
  • Sharlene just donated $46.44
  • Ian just donated $83.34
  • Michelle just donated $43
  • Sandra just donated $27
  • Julie just donated $1,000
  • Janice just donated $52.75

Your gift will give someone in need a warm meal and kindness this Christmas

This Christmas, please sponsor a seat at our Christmas table to provide a heart-warming and memorable experience for all who walk through our doors. Your kindness will offer someone in need a traditional festive lunch in the warm company of others.

For most of us, Christmas is a time of celebration with family and friends. But for many people experiencing homelessness in our community, Christmas is one of the most difficult times of the year.

It is a time when people in crisis feel even more lonely and isolated. When they feel the absence of a warm meal, or a time spent with loved ones, even more strongly. 

This year, people facing homelessness in South Australia won’t be celebrating Christmas. Instead, they’ll be sleeping rough on the streets, or in their cars. They’ll be spending Christmas day hungry and alone, without friends or family or a place to go.

Sponsor a seat now and you will give someone in need a place to go for Christmas. You’ll offer a nourishing festive meal and the opportunity to experience connection with others in the community, surrounded by laughter and conversation.

Your kindness ensures people facing homelessness can experience the joy of Christmas in a warm and welcoming space. 

What's more, the impact of your generosity will extend far beyond the holiday season. Your thoughtful gift will also help connect people experiencing homelessness to long-term support services that provide accommodation opportunities.

Last year, Felicity* experienced a memorable Christmas thanks to the kindness and compassion of supporters like you. 

“On Christmas Day. I came down to Hutt St and there were lots of people around to talk to over food. It was really nice,” she said. 

This Christmas, please give generously to put people in need on the path towards homefulness.

*While some names and images have been changed for privacy, these stories are very real and reflect how important your generosity is for helping people start their journey out of homelessness.